Pivot 77: I am mastering my frequencies

‘Trust that if you jump you’ll get caught, not caught out.’ Well, I decided to ‘jump’ by playing a new Game that played risk with my old idea that I must work til the work is done of a day:                                     The Four Hour WorkDay. 

Some context. My days (and years) are spent trying to settle into a routine. I long for routine. It’s no joke that the executive functioning difficulties associated with autism make it hard for me to wrestle with time, and the general duties of the day.

I’ve been enjoying quite a specific routine during quarantine. It’s been a blessing, until I miss a bit of it, and then the whole day can run off the rails.

In powering my business through the ice-scapes of Covid-19, priority needs to be given to neither over-working nor underworking. Because I work so intensely when I do, if I work more than about 4 hours, I keel over with stress and exhaustion. In fact, tbh, 3 hours (including business admin and client work) is probably my healthy maximum. Earlier this week I also recalled that being healthy enough to work is a gift! And that working is really a privilege.

So, I’ve invented a game – with a nod to Tim Ferriss – called the The Four Hour WorkDay.

  • Create little cards for the different  bookings/customers – and on the back write the Tasks for the day ahead.
  • On a piece of paper write a table with columns for
    • Booking task
    • Time start/fin
    • Minutes taken
    • Time Remaining (of the 4 hours)
  • Set 4 hours on a timer.
  • Pick a Booking Task and go – noting after how long it took and either pausing the timer then, or going on to the next task on the same or a different sheet
  • Pause whenever you need to. Basically, you’re going to spread your 4 hours of work between 10am – 6pm. Prioritise moving the body, and not getting stuck on any one task. Good health is the priority.

My goodness, racing against myself and the clock, I got so. much. done. The wifi crashed when I had 4 minutes left and I just sat there amazed. I’d even got my tax return in to my bookkeeper – on the last day of April! The game felt like a jump from ‘I need to work as long as it takes!’ (because client care, and money…) to, ‘My time is limited, but so is my energy. I’ll say how much time I’ve got for work.‘ It was refreshing to set boundaries and terms.


On my walk in the evening, I played with this idea of having a dashboard  of dials and slides in front of me, like a sound engineer’s mixing desk, or a pilot’s cockpit. The game was to twiddle and tweak the instruments, giving each one a name and purpose in terms of my own internal make-up and external circumstances. So for example you might stroll along saying….:

  • Seratonin, up 2 notches
  • Optimism, rising gradually to an 8
  • Stress, easing down 1 notch per ten minutes
  • Finances, dial up firmly
  • Weight, slow, steady decrease
  • Faith in my future, up 1 for today
  • Appreciation for my surroundings, raise to 9
  • Connection to nature, increase by 3
  • Patience with and mercy towards our politicians, raise by 2
  • Trust that all is in hand, up 1, taking it steadily

Some of it felt like ‘banking’ intentions and preferred settings for the future. There was no attachment to anything changing in the moment, though after a while of playing with this, I felt noticeably different in my state.

Your thoughts?

This, dear friend, is what we call frequency modulation. Can you imagine how extraordinary it is that you (all) are learning to frequency modulate on your own, in your isolation? In truth, there is no other way, but for some time you would go out to classes and receive teaching to modulate your frequency either up (eg Zumba) or down (eg qigong). Or you would simply learn to modulate by incessantly navigating the ups and downs of daily life out there. All in all, you’ve been used to a great deal of external stimulation to make you feel alive and to help you learn to surf the frequency waves. 

Now, in your quarantine, all of that has faded away. Like monks in the monastery, it’s just you, God and your lockdown buddies. How do you auto-generate the high-five moments, the relief of overcoming, the thrills of seeing loved ones, the dopamine hits, the seratonin boosts…? Well, by internal Frequency Modulation. And it’s a blast. 

First of all, as you have discovered: Frequency Modulation is an inside job. Oh goodness, it’s hard to articulate HOW MUCH you have depended on externals to set your frequency. You’ve been addicted to that. And it has both absolved you of responsibility for your state, and left you like a puppet on a string, pulled and tweaked by the will of another.

With nothing in your present conditions except the peace of your home and the very loving souls in it, it is truly up to you to set your frequency. 

This is so big. I feel the potential… I know how fortunate I am to have a safe and loving home environment at this time too. I just want to raise this ghost presence in my head space, of financial uncertainty. Please speak to that.

With pleasure. ‘Think and grow rich..!’ No, just joking. Not joking. Joking. Not. 😉 In truth, this is the moment for EVERYONE to rethink, or rather, re-intuit their financial circumstances. No one is bound to hard graft and financial uncertainty. This is hard to hear, especially for one who is compassionate to the plight of others. But we shall say it again: frequency modulation is an inside job. And our frequency sets the magnetic resonance of our financial circumstances. If each of you can clean up your magnetic resonance here from a standing start, you will have achieved much more than just financial security. Much more. You will have started to learn about what Abraham calls Deliberate Creation.

Frequency Modulation is where it is at. Don’t wait for circumstances to dictate your frequency. It is imperative you cut that out, because there are strong impulses in your field at the moment. Define your frequency on the inside, and consciously project it out. Not for the money, though the money will come, but for the LOVE it will bring this planet. At this time, breathing peace, unity, light and love on to the planet is truly the gift you can, each and every one of you, embark on now. 

Use your super Frequency Modulation Mixing Desk to tweak and twiddle your resonance – breathing steadily and consciously all the while. Learn to sense, to feel, to recognise and master your frequencies. This is your gift to your planet. If each of you can learn to ‘get on top of’ your frequencies, then light will pour in to this planet. Truly. 

Think of a sound engineer ‘mastering’ a track at her mixing desk. Yes, in this way can you ‘master’ your frequencies.

Beautiful. Tysm. I am so grateful. x

That’s a good start…

I am mastering my frequencies

Frequency Modulation Mixing Desk
Frequency Modulation Mixing Desk


PS. Tim Ferriss’s 4-Hour WorkWeek – a summary:

4-Hour Workweek Infographic
The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss – summarised

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