So, this morning I looked up those two articles from yesterday. Here are some highlights of what I’ve learnt when you google ‘torsion tesla’.
First up: the Torsion Field is a thing. Or not a thing if you take it as unfounded pseudoscience and a scam. Here’s a taster. Hold on to your seats.
Torsion field (pseudoscience)
A torsion field (also called axion field, spin field, spinor field, and microlepton field) is a feature of pseudoscientific[1] proposals that the quantum spin of particles can be used to cause emanations to carry information through vacuum orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light. This theory is the basis of a number of unfounded claims and scams.
Claims | Spin-spin interaction can be transmitted through space at speeds of at least up to 109 times the speed of light via a special kind of field, making faster-than-light travel, extra-sensory perception, homeopathy, levitation, and other paranormal phenomena possible. |
Related scientific disciplines | Physics |
Year proposed | 1987 |
Original proponents | A. Akimov, G. Shipov |
Claimed applications[edit]
Despite the several obvious contradictions with established physics along with associated statements by believers criticized as being “nonsensical” by reputable scientists,[6] torsion fields have been embraced as an explanation for claims of homeopathic cures, telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, clairvoyance, ESP, and other paranormal phenomena.[7] The harnessing of torsion fields has been claimed to make everything possible from miracle cure devices (including devices that cure alcohol addiction[8]) to working perpetual motion machines, stargates,[9]UFO propulsion analogs, and weapons of mass destruction (WMDs).[10] Some such devices, in particular the miracle cure boxes, have been patented,[11] manufactured and sold.
NB: one of the original proponents is here.
However… how come my dialogues proposed I start looking into this..??
[Just spoken to G. ‘Torsion’ is not the phrase linked to cars and velocity. I’d misremembered. It’s ‘torque‘!]
The second article:
Exclusive: Discovery of Tesla’s Torsion fields above the Bosnian Pyramids
I’ll just leave the last lines of the article here:
‘We are all just a part of the cosmic Internet together with all other cosmic entities in space including our Creator. The information transmission is almost instant regardless of the fair distances. Thereby, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, on our small mother Planet, is a link in the cosmic Internet.’
Wow, the scale of this stuff. Whether or not it’s science or sci-fi, I love the expansiveness of the ideas.
Maybe torsion fields are linked to the qigong I do every day? [Qigong = energy cultivation or energy practice or energy generation.] Tesla worked on free energy generation. I get the sense that what we are looking here is akin to endless fibonacci repetitions, or spiral dynamics, which create fields of pure force. This is almost what is happening from the point of the heart outwards, in each of us. Right?
Now would be a good moment to settle in.
***Reading Bringers(wow)&20minTimedMed***
The torsion field you seek to generate is initiated in the heart centre, and it is fuelled by your focus and your conscious breathing. As you just experienced. The centre of connectivity between you and the rest of the quantum field is seated at that magnetic centre within you, the heart. When that self-propelling, auto-generating engine is set in motion, you suddenly have new energy within your system, and with that new energy, clarity occurs.
Yes, there is real clarity! Also, the brain just settles into the alpha or theta state, right? And the autonomic nervous system slides from sympathetic to parasympathetic. This is mindfulness practice at its best.
This is mindfulness practice at its basic potentiality. If only you knew what you were really doing when you settled down to quieten your mind. If only you knew what you would unleash if you would but sit a little longer. But there is time for all things.
Help me land and make sense of some of this torsion field information. Yesterday (or 2 days ago), Torsion was the name I blithely gave my Frequency Modulation Mixing Desk engineer. What’s arising? What do I need to know to be able to integrate my learning at the moment?
You are learning to settle and be present to the various elements in you which are ready to grow. Those elements are:
- your capacity for knowing and
- your activated free will.
You are ready to apply your knowing to your free will. This has been delayed at times. You needed to download more information for this all to occur successfully. Your ‘frequency modulation’ work is vital. You are learning to breathe into the tensions arising from the shifts going on in you, and in you all at this time of cosmic, quantum upheaval.
What advice would you give us all for easing the feelings?
The advice which is relevant to you all is this: BREATHE. You really need to OXYGENATE your bodies to facilitate the quantum shift you are enduring at this time. If you want to make this easier for yourselves, you need to relax, kick back and breathe deeply. Really breathe it in – and shake it out.
Like Deborah teaches. She knows where it’s at.
Exactly this. The body has much to purge, both for itself and for the collective. This is daily, hourly work. Why else would you be given this window for deep retreat in which to rest your body and exercise daily?
Man alive. I just don’t know whether to consider this Covid-19 period a tragedy and a dark attack on our planet, or a gift from Gaia and the cosmos within which we can heal…
And here is the torsion, dear sweet friend. On the one hand, there are strong magnetic forces of perturbation spiralling downwards, and on the other hand there equally strong magnetic forces of potential spiralling upwards. The work of the individual sitting in this magnetic storm is to ‘justify’ the forces – as you ‘justify’ or resolve an equation, so that it balances out to zero.
The zero point field is within you, at your heart centre. Use the tangible opposing spiralling forces as a guide. So strong are the forces that it is now very clear when they are running ‘cleanly’ through your heart centre. Before this period, they were subtle, and only those with established practice could sense the magnetic torsion running into the heart centre.
When the spiralling forces run straight through the heart centre – and my goodness, without deep breathing and shaking out, this will be extremely uncomfortable – you will be generating a self-sustaining torus field.
What? This is so cool.
A torus field – like the apple pictures….
Just two days ago, when I started playing with Torsion, I got this idea for something I called Fountain Breathing.
Fountain Breathing: breathe in from the reservoir of water and draw the breath/water up your central channel to the heart; exhale it out through the crown of your head, so it rises up and then falls gently back in to the reservoir, ready for drawing upwards again…
It’s the same shape as the torus, I hadn’t realised…
Now look up ‘torsion field’ images.
Here are a couple…
Today is the day in which the heart centre is being awakened in the human race. The person must centre their self (shelter in place) to be able to generate torsion. And the heart must be stirred and opened, whether by fear or by compassion, by loss or by hope, by anger or by relief, in order to fuel the dynamo within the torus.
And that’s what the pandemic is for?
The pandemic is not ‘for’ anything. The pandemic is what it is. A phenomenon sweeping your planet, as a virus of the body and, in so far as fear is contagious, of the mind. It is causing traumatic deaths and untold grief. Livelihoods are evaporating, and some in ‘power’ are ruthlessly taking advantage of their security. Many are ‘capitalising’ on the opportunities to profiteer from the vulnerability of others. This pandemic is not merely a ‘tool’ of conscious evolution. To consider it so would be a fallacy.
However. Human beings are ready to wake up. Tragedy is a great awakener. Would that hearts might awaken without an alarm. But the fog has heretofore been dense.
Thank you. I hear you. So… what shall I do today, to absorb this and make sense of it? Please don’t say ‘keep breathing’… My anxiety woke me at 4.30am… Breathing deeply is like touching electric cattle fencing at the moment.
We are saying keep moving your body today. As much as you can. Keep a sense of flow. Your mixing desk works best when you are not ‘static’.
I can do that. I’ll set up a standing desk again… I can keep moving. And my head and heart?
Let the torus flourish. Generate torsion.
Ha… Honestly… I love your faith in my capacity for this! 😉
Capacity for this? You set out at your life’s origin with this intention. This is your goal not ours. This is your destiny. And the destiny of all of you. It is not a magic show or a beauty contest. It is just physics, harnessed for the greater good.
Generate torsion, from your heart outwards. This is the new business as usual, ok? No one needs to stop the clocks or cut any ribbons. It’s the new normal. Centre in your heart and generate torsion. You’ll know when it lands. When it does, just note it and slightly magnify it. And get on with your day. No jazz hands; no sighs or highs. Land the feeling with a hand to the heart if you would like a physical anchoring tool. But keep the torus images in mind, and breathe like a fountain if and when it feels good to do so.
If you want motivation, know this. You can resolve fatigue this way. Why? Because you start to generate more energy than you actually burn. Tesla said there was free energy to be generated – by torsion. And it starts with you and in you.
Ok. I can buy in to that notion and invitation! Thank you! Be with me… Ok? Be with me, Torsion? Ty.
I am generating torsion – from my heart outwards
PS. Just found this for the scientist in me:
PPS: I thought , ‘It’s time to get back to the HeartMath Institute…’. I went there and guess what, they are offering The HeartMath Experience for free at this time to support people through CV19. 🙂 I’ve signed up…