Pivot 102: I am visualising peace, unity, love and light on Earth
I’ve spent 3 days away from here, getting my head down with ‘working well’ (it’s been busy and fulfilling and rewarding) and keeping my balance around the glimpses I catch of the current situation ‘out there’. Clearly, I am advised not to go into detail here, but I will say that there are traumatising scenes out there, and I’m not just talking about the worldwide protests (being hijacked by white looters and agitators btw), or even the horrifying testimonial black people are sharing about their lived experience which has had me in tears of grief and shock on a daily basis… When I talk about traumatising scenes, I’m especially talking about watching the ‘people in power’ and their actions/mood at the moment – not just with regards to Black Lives Matter, but it is also about witnessing the UK govt as it profiteers out of Covid-19 and Brexit. There is some truly unbelievable psychopathy playing out.
For now, I will just leave this video which is a well-expressed snapshot on this time:
Ok. I’ve drawn a line under that.
You asked me to Work Well. I have been endeavouring to. Other learning has included:
‘Go intuitive’ – arising out of profound and helpful therapy session looking at why I experience exhaustion.
Asking What Would Tramaine Do? As I work with the Coaching course I’m doing on ‘Queens’ Mysteries’ – Tramaine Hawkins is the role model I’m working with. She is a heart-centred channel of love and healing light. She always holds others and God up as the blessings in her life. She shines the spotlight on others, and God… at every step. So much heart, and humility, and power.
A sense of the Hara (lower dantian) in alignment with Heart and Head.
But also, powerfully yesterday on my walk listening to Abraham-Hicks, a helpful notion came heaving in to view at last. I noted it down:
What will happen when… I stop making myself the protagonist or sole/main beneficiary of my visioning / secreting / magnifying of the wanted.
I‘m a powerful manifestor / creator. So let me see:
– good care homes for all
– weapons sliding off the planet into outer space
– a city of dialogue…
Your thoughts?
This is the most important insight you have had since you began the Pivot project. It is the Pivot you were asking for.
What do you mean?
At the start of this project, you asked for peace (in your Aspie zen zone). We can confirm and affirm that there is no other more effective route to peace for you than ceasing to make yourself the main protagonist of your hopes and dreams.
That’s kind of funny… and not.
Why? Because you think your Autism is Auto-ism, or self-ism?
I think others think that… That’s the irony?
Indeed. That is the irony of autism. And you know this. Autism is a misnomer. Autistic people are so sensitively wired towards the precious Other, towards the divine Collective, that when the other and the collective is in disharmony, the autistic person feels it to the core and needs must retreat… until… until… until… they can grow tall enough above the sensory discomfort and heartache to see more clearly what is ‘happening’. At that point they start to become wonderfully, recklessly empowered to contribute to improving, mediating and resolving the situation. But they must grow tall in the sense of being able to ‘rise above’ the noise of low frequency. They must float up into a frequency of ‘harmony’ and resonate there. Otherwise they are too easily swept up and soaked by the apparent troubles. No teflon effect for the autistic being when stuck in the melee of it all, unlike some of those tough NT folks who actually find the melee enlivening.
So ‘rising above’ is not about being superior, or turning one’s back. It’s about – as you discerned in your therapy session – turning on the intuition, and aligning hara-head-heart. THEN you can be of service. And THEN, oh my, oh yes… you will be able to bask in the peace arising from sensing a more harmonious world. Not because all the ‘problems’ will be solved… but because you will be dancing to the tune of the harmonious path, not for your own benefit (no isolationism needed now), but for the benefit of all, which then becomes your benefit too.
It’s an act of faith isn’t it? To put our eggs in the basket of the All.. when the One (me) can seem fragile and vulnerable, and the All can seem like chaos?
It’s an act of faith when you believe there are limitations in life, and love and light… Try it. Practise it, and you will never ever go back to creating selfish dreams… You will finally truly get it. The only progress is collective progress.
This is the basis of the Black Live Matter message. This is the message of this time.
Keep your eyes on the prize, people! Imagine if your hopes and dreams – conscious and unconscious – shifted away from ‘my work, my progress, my business, my relationships, my finances’ and towards ‘our work, our progress, our business, our relationships, our finances’. Think of the prayer power here: there is no limit to the magnitude of miracles!
“There is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not ‘harder’ or ‘bigger’ than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal.” ACIM T-1.I.1:1-4 Principle 1 (excerpt)
Invest your conscious creation (prayer power / Secreting / visualisation) in the greater good – with focus and lightness and softness and joy! Right here, right now – playfully.
Remember ‘Heal the world’? Now is a time for a different message: see the world as healed! Use your creative energy to imagine your planet fully immersed in peace, unity, love and light! Draw it, illustrate it, talk about it – passim!
Trust, sweet soul, who must learn the strength of her own creative consciousness, that if you surrender your intuitive instincts to the GREATER good, instead of your personal good – you will, truly, precious being, find the peace your sweet Heart and Soul have been hankering after all this ‘time’.
There is only Now.
Gotcha. 🙂 Ty. May I – no, may WE – all have the courage and confidence and calmness required, to sit quietly with images of beauty, peace, unity, love and light on our mental cinema screens. May we be brave enough to walk out of the screening of the Nightmare on Elm St showing on our TV screens and devices, and settle once and for all, in to the screening of Peace on Earth in the other (much comfier) movie theatre down the hallway.
I am.. I am.. I am visualising peace, unity, love and light on Earth.
I am visualising peace, unity, love and light on Earth