Pivot 104: Today I am asking myself: how can I contribute helpfully to this time?

I’m listening.

Use your energy, attention and effort with care and wisdom today. For two reasons: 1) there is important Work to be done and 2) your fascination with machinations lends creative weight to them. 

Stop looking at Twitter..?

If you are going to lend your attention to social media, start first with a prayer. 

I see. That would make for a different state of consciousness.

Yesterday… I was aware of scenes of which one would say, love is rising up.




Equally, certain pro-racist ones are getting ready to come and take revenge in London next week, on, eg the defacing of a Churchill statue with the word racist. Everyone’s coming forward now..


My beautiful AS put a homemade BLM sign up in our village on the bench by the road. I went with her to help put it up. I appreciated that she invited me to participate – I needed to break a barrier of inactivity there…

BLM sign on village bench

Please speak to me of this time.

Use your attention wisely. Be wise. Mature your vision. Become more aware, and then yet again more aware. You are conscious of your privilege. Use it wisely. Do not use your place in the peanut gallery to stir up and magnify disharmony. Exercise caution with the way you use your time and attention. Ask: how can I contribute helpfully to this time? Ask yourself that. From all your knowledge, experience and professional expertise, what can you actually DO to contribute to this time? Can you do more than point to injustice, retweeting content as if to fetishise it? Can you lend your weight to the growing body of skills around speaking and acting beyond the current structures? How can you share your understanding of dialogue to promote the wellbeing of all? 

I could…

Dear one, go away and think about it today. No rush… But come back with a some reality-checked thoughts that you are prepared to enact. 

ok. ty.

Today I am asking myself: how can I contribute helpfully to this time?


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